You can make a worksheet in a few ways.
From your home folder:
Using the main menu, navigate to the Papers & Worksheets page, which will open your home folder
From your home folder use the button on the top of the page that says +New
You can select to create a worksheet from the list of options
From there you can add exam questions or generated questions from Dr Frost
Once you've built your worksheet you can save it in your home folder and use it as a task or download for use offline.
From the question explorer:
From the menu, navigate to the Question Explorer page
Choose the course you would like to select skills from (or the All Skills course) on the left hand side of the page
Select the skills you would like to include in your worksheet and press the Generate Worksheet button
You can then select how many questions of each skill type you would like to include and whether or not you want to interleave skills
Once you generate your worksheet you can change an individual questions or save it if you're happy with it as is
From your dashboard:
Select Set a Task
You can then choose to set a task by topic or by choosing questions
If you choose questions you can add Exam Questions or Generated Questions. To add Exam Questions, click the top plus sign to start browsing. Click 'Filter by Course', select a course and choose a topic. Keep adding questions, noting that you can reorder questions by dragging the boxes and you can remove any questions you don't need. When you have added all the Exam Questions and/or Generated Questions you require, click 'Save as' and save the worksheet in your chosen directory.
If you set the task by topic, you can select a module and unit within a course to view the skills in that course. Select the skills you want to be included in your worksheet; you can add skills from different units and modules. 'Your selection' on the top right hand side will state the skills to be included in the worksheet. You can use the 'Example' button on any subskill to view an example of the question. Click 'Generate Worksheet' and select how many questions on each subskill you would like in the worksheet. Click 'Generate' which will take you to a worksheet template. From here you can use the refresh icon to get a different question if desired, reorder questions and remove questions. You can also scroll to the bottom of the template and add Exam Questions by clicking the top plus sign, or add additional Generated Questions by clicking the bottom plus sign. Click 'Save As' to save your worksheet in your chosen directory.