There are three ways to create student accounts
- Upload by spreadsheet
- Upload with a MIS
- Add users individually
To upload students with a spreadsheet:
Go to the Menu and select the Classes & Settings page
Click 'Import by spreadsheet'
Download the Excel file and complete the pro forma with the students' names, the name of the class, year group and student email address. Save and upload the file.
Read the options carefully, if you are doing the upload at the start of the year and you are happy for any existing classes on the platform to be removed, choose option 1. If you're adding new classes using the spreadsheet, but don't want to remove classes that have already been set up then choose option 2.
Do I need to provide student email addresses on the upload spreadsheet?
You can leave the student email address column blank. In this case students will be assigned a Dr Frost username and password, which you will need to share with them. If you provide the student's email address, the students will each receive an activation email allowing them to create and manage their own password.
To upload classes using your school MIS:
Go to the Menu and select the Classes & Settings page
Select the Wonde option
If your school has Wonde integration set up you will be able to sync classes. Please note, Dr Frost does not sync automatically with Wonde, so if there are changes to classes on your school's MIS at a later date, you will need to come back to this page and press 'sync' again.
If your school has not set up Wonde but would like to, check out this article on setting up integration with Wonde.
To add users individually:
Go to the Menu and select the Classes & Settings page
To add a new user to an existing class, select the class from the drop down then click '+ Students'
You can then manually add the student's details
If you provide the student's email address, the student will receive an activation email to complete the registration process and set their password. If you leave it blank, a Dr Frost username and password will be issued.